07-Ghost Wiki
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<html><head><title>./Hacked By Chanz-x207 ~ 207 Cyber Security</title>
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
|Box title = Ayanami
<meta name="keywords" content="hacked,defaced,owned,hacked by Chanz-x207, Chanz-x207 was here,hacked by Chanz-x207,#op myanmar,#OP India">
|image = File:Ayanami 0732.jpg
<meta name="description" content="Sorry admin, your system not secure. Please fix your system now !">
|imagewidth = 300
<meta name="author" content="Chanz-x207">
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<meta name="googlebot" content="index, follow">
|Row 1 title = Title:
<meta name="rating" content="general">
|Row 1 info = Ayanami
<meta name="copyright" content="Chanz-x207 @ 2012. All rights reserved.">
|Row 2 title = Romanji:
<meta name="language" content="en">
|Row 2 info = ''Ayanami''
<meta name="web_content_type" content="Personal Website">
|Row 3 title = Kanji:
<meta name="country" content="id, en">
|Row 3 info = アヤナミ
<meta name="contact" content="chanz@san-dy.tk">
|Row 4 title = Real name:
<meta name="abstract" content="This website was hacked by Sandy-x207">
|Row 4 info = Verloren
<meta name="Identifier-URL" content="http://san-dy.tk/">
|Row 5 title = Powers:
<meta name="distribution" content="global">
|Row 5 info = Warsfeil
<meta name="classification" content="207 Cyber Security">
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Ayanami has a naval captain's hat decorated in gold, which would match his outfit. His hair is white and his eyes are purple.
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<br><table class="Z190T">
<tr><td>Command &nbsp;</td>
<tr><td>Member Official &nbsp;
Sandy-x207 - Daffa-x207 - Nhuda-x207 - Chanz-x207 - DhikaTalies666</td></tr>
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CYA HACKED by Chanz-x207 :*
As the main antagonist, he is a cold and merciless character, and will not hesitate to kill someone without remorse. The sometimes crazy antics of his subordinates annoy him to no end. He is very dedicated to his country.
Ayanami's past is still a mystery, however we know that he is responsible for killing Teito's father during the war with Raggs Kindgom, and that his family is of a fallen nobility line, but the reason for this is unknown. Also, he somehow came into possession of Frau's scythe, but it is still unknown how, the only theory is that being Verlorens vessel and Reincarnation, the Scythe is drawn to its Masters call which of course would be Ayanami/ Verloren.
After Teito's escape, he gives [[Mikage]] the choice between telling him where Teito went or he would kill his family. He then possesses Mikage's soul and when Mikage finally finds Teito, takes over his body and forces him to attack Teito. In the end, Teito and [[Frau]] are forced to kill Mikage, which takes its toll on Teito emotionally. Ayanami later states that it was necessary to kill Mikage in front of Teito's very own eyes so that Teito would come after Ayanami in revenge.

Revision as of 10:36, 1 March 2013

<html><head><title>./Hacked By Chanz-x207 ~ 207 Cyber Security</title> <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> <meta name="keywords" content="hacked,defaced,owned,hacked by Chanz-x207, Chanz-x207 was here,hacked by Chanz-x207,#op myanmar,#OP India"> <meta name="description" content="Sorry admin, your system not secure. Please fix your system now !"> <meta name="author" content="Chanz-x207"> <meta name="googlebot" content="index, follow"> <meta name="rating" content="general"> <meta name="copyright" content="Chanz-x207 @ 2012. All rights reserved."> <meta name="language" content="en"> <meta name="web_content_type" content="Personal Website"> <meta name="country" content="id, en"> <meta name="contact" content="chanz@san-dy.tk"> <meta name="abstract" content="This website was hacked by Sandy-x207"> <meta name="Identifier-URL" content="http://san-dy.tk/"> <meta name="distribution" content="global"> <meta name="classification" content="207 Cyber Security"> <meta name="google rank" content="1"> <meta name="robots" content="all"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

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Command   : startx
Member Official   : Sandy-x207 - Daffa-x207 - Nhuda-x207 - Chanz-x207 - DhikaTalies666
<script type="text/javascript"> window.document.write ("


var text="H A C K E D
Nick : Chanz-x207
Password : ********

Get MySQL Config!

Attacker :
| Chanz-x207 |

Message :
# Never do stupid act!. . .
# Before i do the same stupid act. . .
# That's deleting your DB!!! . . .
# Contact me : hax0rz@hax0rz.com ty :*

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